It’s no joke to invest in binding machines, so you’ll have to take care of your machine if you have one. Yes, binding your documents will make them look more interesting than others. And with the use of any types such as comb, coil, wire, or thermal machines, you can further enhance your papers. Although an extensive type of maintenance isn’t really necessary to prolong the life of your machine, you will have to take care of it if you want it to work for you through the years. Check out these tips to take care of binding machines:
1. Plug out the device from the electrical source. If yours is an electric machine, then you need to take it out of power after using it. Take note that leaving your machine plugged in for a very long time may increase its chances of overheat. When you meet that problem, you’ll need to have it serviced, or worse, replaced when the unit is badly damaged. So, if you want your machine to work for a long time, plug it out from the power source after using. Doing this can make sure that your machine is protected from damage, and you’ll stay safe together with the rest of your group.
2. Don’t leave anything on the chip tray. If you have the punch-and-bind binding machines like a wire, comb, or coil binding system, don’t forget to take out any material from the chip tray. Check your binding machines on a daily basis for any debris. For one, it’s messy and no one likes it. Second, this is another way to prolong the life of your machine. Take note that having too many chips in your tray, punching dies might be damaged and resist binding. If this happens often, then you might be in a big trouble of having the punching dies dull. When you’re punching dies are weak or dull, it will be very hard to punch clean holes on your documents. Plus, if these dies will get much damaged, you’re likely to buy new machines.
3. Avoid punching a lot of documents at the same time. Take note that punching holes are one of the most tedious processes in binding. This is particularly obvious if you need to bind a lot of books. Because of frustration, you might want to go beyond the punching capacity of binding machines. Although this can save much of your time, this will or may cause serious damage to your machine. If you may want to bind more books every day, then you can try to buy binding machines with higher binding capacities.
4. Choose your supplies. Although there are many kinds of binding machines which can work on several binding supplies, the truth is that you can only use one implement for a specific machine. For instance, a comb binding system can handle working on combs but never on coils. That is what you have to make sure that you use only the right supplies for a specific binding tool.
There you have the four basic ways to take care of your binding machines. If you want to keep the productivity, functions, and convenience, take care of your binding machine. Perhaps, the best way to keep a good investment is to properly maintain your binding system well-cared of.